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Information in English

Tidskriften VATTEN is a Swedish paper about water related research. All papers have abstracts in English and approximately half of the papers are written in English.

You are welcome to send your manuscript to us (click on Kontakta Tidskriften VATTEN). We focus on papers written by authors active in the Nordic and Baltic countries (i.e. Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway + Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and topics with relevance for conditions in those countries and the Baltic Sea.

VATTEN, journal – Instructions for authors

(30 August, 2005; translated into English 23 January, 2006, revised 13 August, 2007).

Instruktioner för författare.jpeg

DETAILED INFORMATION based on terms in alphabetical order can be found after the summary.

SUMMARY: The Journal VATTEN (Vatten = Swedish for ‘Water’) publishes papers on research and development related to Water resources, Water and wastewater systems and Water & environment. Both scientific value and practical implication/importance are used as criteria for decisions regarding publication of an article. Review articles and debate items are also published if deemed of general interest for the readership.

  • Abstract: All papers must have an abstract in English. Papers in a Scandinavian language must also have a summary in the same language as the paper itself. Abstract and summary must not (each) exceed 200 words.

  • Author information: Give postal address for all authors and at least one e-mail address.

  • Author-photo: One photo (portrait) of each author should be provided together with the manuscript. Digital photos are preferred and should be of good resolution.

  • Figures: Figures (incl. diagrams and photos) and tables should be placed at the end of the paper when the manuscript is sent to the editor. Figures should also be sent as separate files in original format, e.g. jpg, tif, or pdf (N.B. do not use WORD-format). If this is not possible, then files can be substituted by a print out of good quality. This hard copy will then be scanned by the printer’s office. Avoid grey scales and legends that are based on colour nuances. Please note that figures often are diminished before publication. This means that very thin lines should be avoided.

  • Format: Manuscripts should be provided in WORD-format.

  • Key words: A list of up to 8 key words in English should be included in the manuscript and placed after the title and the abstract.

  • Language: Papers may be written (and will be published) in English or any Scandinavian language (Swedish, Danish, or Norwegian).

  • Layout: All layout is done by the printer’s office. Minimize your own layout. However, it is important that the headings are clearly presented in the manuscript.

  • Length: Papers should be of a total length corresponding to 5-10 pages in VATTEN. One page in VATTEN is approximately 5500 characters. N.B., papers that are slightly shorter or longer than the guidelines are normally published without further ado.

  • Manuscripts: Manuscripts should be sent to the editor. Adress: see above.

  • Photos: See figures.

  • Proofs: The communicating author will receive both 1st and 2nd proofs of the paper. Figures and tables will be placed at the proper points of the paper by the printer’s office when the 2nd proof is produced. Proofs will be sent to the author as pdf files. However, corrected proofs must be returned as hard copy to the editor. (Corrections should be done with pen/pencil on paper).

  • Publishing dates: VATTEN is published 4 times/year. 15 March, 15 June, 15 October and 15 December. Time elapsed between the day that the manuscript is received by the editor and publication is usually less than 6 months.

  • Publishing process: Se referees and proofs.

  • Referees: A referee system is not applied in the formal meaning. All manuscripts are evaluated by the editor and sometimes also by colleagues.

  • References: VATTEN uses the HARVARD system – whereby the author’s surname and year of publication are cited in the text, e.g. (Bond, 2004), i.e. not in footnotes. A reference list (of these citations), in alphabetical order by author, is included at the end of the paper. More information about the HARVARD SYSTEM can be found on the www.

  • Rights: Papers accepted for publication in VATTEN must not be published elsewhere without the consent of the editor. See also www.

  • Reprints: Authors receive reprints in the form of pdf files.

  • Summary: See abstract.

  • Tables: Tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript together with figures.

  • Title: Papers written in a Scandinavian language must (besides the title in that language also) have a title in English.

  • www: As a supplement to the hardcopy version, VATTEN is published at

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Föreningen Vatten
c/o Föreningshuset Sedab AB
Lumaparksvägen 7, plan 7
120 31 Stockholm

Info om
Föreningen Vatten

Föreningen Vatten bildades år 1944 och är en rikstäckande ideell, politiskt obunden förening för kunskap om vatten och vattenvård, för vår gemensamma miljö.

Föreningen Vattens viktigaste uppgifter är att arrangera tvärprofessionella möten för förkovran och debatt, konferenser för bredd och spetskompetens.

Återkommande arrangemang

Föreningen Vatten arrangerar återkommande möten och seminarier.

Läs mer här.

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